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Olympus E-20N Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 20-Sep-2001
Megapixels: 5
Random Olympus E-20N Samples from 8274 available Photos more
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Guest 13-Jul-2007 15:27
At the prices they now sell at, no enthusiastic photographer should be without either an E-10 or E-20. They aren't built for speed but they're so luxurious to just cruise with because the controls don't need to be cramped so they're easily used entirely by feel if necessary. When in manual exposure, there is a separate wheel for speed and aperture. You don't accidentally press a button and change a mode because each press has to be locked into place.

Not very expensive lens converters offer 28mm or 200mm lenses each of f2 - match those for price with an interchangeable lens camera! Ideal studio cameras with either IR or cable remote controls. Maybe a bit heavy for some users though - definitely better for car users.
Ashtonian02-Mar-2007 00:49
This is a great camera with great color. As others have said, a sharp fast f2.0 lens, yes, slow write times but you can work your way around that. I always loved the silent shutter.
Guest 14-Oct-2005 07:19
I had the E-20 for amore than three years and used it for pro stuff. I did all my black and white images with it. The Oly had a special way to produce images. The bad thing was, RAW was not usable because of the heavy noise and tzhe slow writing speed in RAW or TIFF.
I hoped they give the E-1 a higher resolution, becasue you can't doa lot with 5 Megapix for print work. But all in all it was a fine camera, especially for portraits.
Have a look:
Guest 04-Aug-2005 14:16
I have an E20. Is a very good camera. Good optics, extremely versatile f2/35-140 mm zoom, noticeably well built, very solid and fells nice in you hand. My only complaint, and ultimately the reason I moved on to new cameras the excruciating slow write times to the CF card. I also own an Oly C5050. I've followed Olympus products for a while, I like them. Olympus always seems to come with innovative new ideas (porro finder based SLRs, ultrasonic sensor cleaning, 4/3 format, etc.) Unfortunately, the rest of the market does not follow their ideas, and they constantly end up discontinuing their products and moving to "more standard" solutions.
After the E20, I finally succumbed to Canon. I got a 20D. Nice camera…but disappointing in many respects: No spot metering, loud shutter noise, slow flash sync, no back control panel, no ISO status, feels plastic-ee. I hope Olympus survives the competition, I jut read recently that they had to cut their product line and lay off employees due to slow sales.
Nuno Borges29-Jul-2005 13:15
I've been using one E20 and I'm happy with it. Surely it is not as fast as a machine gun but a camera isn't supposed to be that fast either. Instead it has sharp optics, a soft trigger and a nice color palette. Also the convenience of a built in f2/35-140 mm zoom.
Joanne Santillo20-Apr-2005 23:16
I cannot believe that nobody has left a comment about this camera yet. All I can think is that it is perfect and doesn’t need to be commented on. Come on guys, you know you can get some really good shots with this camera. Start commenting and lets help each other to get exceptional shots. The canon EOS gets all the praise...

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