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All Cameras >> Olympus >> Olympus C-3000Z

Olympus C-3000Z Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 08-May-2000
Megapixels: 3.34
Random Olympus C-3000Z Samples from 4865 available Photos more
g6/92/709392/3/85119459.UX35V4fO.jpg v3/02/530402/3/45881493.LadanMalihi.jpg u/cokids/medium/114196.FloweringBush.jpg g9/56/1173356/3/158592359.DAuLg58d.jpg
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Barri Olson12-Apr-2008 21:29
These '3000' series of cameras were very good cameras in my opinion. Not the most mega pixels by the standards of today (but print very well at 8X10)..and because of the image quality I still use mine regularly. They take very good black and white photos it seems, with excellent 'out of camera' contrast...and if you can find a used one today they are a lot cheaper than when they were new, but an excellent bargain usually. The construction was pretty solid (a lot of metal rather than plastic) and although I've got other "more advanced" cameras there is something about this C3000z that I really like.

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