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All Cameras >> Olympus >> Olympus C-2000Z

Olympus C-2000Z Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 1999
Megapixels: 2.1
Random Olympus C-2000Z Samples from 12486 available Photos more
g3/69/608969/3/101565209.SPyqpgHE.jpg u13/ngruev/medium/19954986.P5033126.jpg u45/ngruev/medium/28976879.sP8252161.jpg g5/34/790134/3/101176758.vrqkGlVY.jpg
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Guest 04-Jul-2007 14:00
it was my first camera and i was a student as i bought this model. these days many people prefer dslr or other models with high quality but the time i bought digital camera, this wasn't bad enough to consider about buying others.

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