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Nikon F301 SLR Film Camera Sample Photos

Film Size: 135 Picture Size: 24x36mm
Marketed: 1985
Lens Mount: F
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Guest 24-Jan-2007 15:26
The F301 is a brilliant camera, working as a photojournalist I don’t like looking like a photographer, you know working round with one of these vests on and three cameras with long lens on, people react differently to you if you look like that.
This camera is very tuff I’ve travelled all over Asia with one of these, it does not stick out, I’ve used these cameras for years and years and they have never let me down.
I also have an N90s/F90s and I would take the F301 over this nearly every time, it’s basic and lighter, just a great camera.
See some of the work I have done with it on pbase Todd Curry.

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