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All Cameras >> Nikon >> Nikon F3

Nikon F3 SLR Film Camera Sample Photos

Film Size: 135 Picture Size: 24x36mm
Marketed: 1980 to 2000
Lens Mount: F
Random Nikon F3 Samples from 626 available Photos more
g3/89/638589/3/56921236.SanSebastianrots3.jpg g4/89/638589/3/65217113.ULWz4eMK.jpg g1/67/646567/3/110212977.X6b0tAbn.jpg u17/mindymcn/medium/42207622.BrokenDuneFence2.jpg
g3/89/638589/3/56921231.Portoboten.jpg u13/macpfist/medium/41596057.pumpkininhisbirthdaysuit.jpg g5/39/611339/3/100462002.D0IyCFLv.jpg u13/macpfist/medium/41596842.kittypeeksaroundthecorner.jpg
g1/25/473425/3/126564140.rO8La2fg.jpg g5/89/638589/3/67638170.wFqsb7Jr.jpg g6/67/646567/3/80990251.FzjbpRtJ.jpg g4/05/569305/3/59668151.Couple.jpg

Monte Dodge16-Dec-2012 14:46
Great camera!! Long live film!!
Guest 06-May-2007 18:02
There's one sitting in a shop around the corner from me for sale. I keep looking at it every time I pass, every day now for the last month or so.
I think its about time I gave it a good home.
Jack Bieser05-Apr-2007 10:13
I ave had my F3 since 1982. It's an M60 Machine Gun with the motor drive. I have shot in high humidity 100+ and below freezing temperatures and yes it still runs like a swiss watch.
Steve Viscot24-Feb-2007 21:46
even though my d200 is now my camera of choice I still use the F3. It's a tank. After 20 years it still runs like a swiss watch. Simply the best manual analog camera Nikon ever made...
Ed16-Dec-2004 16:03
Can't believe no comments here
The F3 was *the* camera of the 80's
Undoubtedly a legend
An incredible camera

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