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Nikon D600 SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

g2/87/331787/3/147176743.MDok4E5o.jpgg2/87/331787/3/147176769.MIrmLa6z.jpgg2/87/331787/3/147176749.Qr9OqbOl.jpgg2/87/331787/3/147176747.BReREE7m.jpgmore photos
Marketed: 13-Sep-2012
Lens Mount: F
Megapixels: 24.3
Random Nikon D600 Samples from 51496 available Photos more
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SiliconVoid11-Oct-2013 19:24
@Tom - Hopefully that has been remedied with the new shutter and mirror assembly in the D610.. Personally I really hope it has as the D600/610 provides a truer upgrade to the D700 in image quality.. (we won't get into the overall body design/materials, that is another discussion)

It would be great if Nikon (Sony) and Canon would stop catering to the techno-gadget wannabe photographers who think MP is all there is to photography, then put all that new technology into an ~16-20mp sensor that produces noise/grain free images up to and beyond 6400 ISO. All the MP of something like a D800 cannot overcome grain and noise, that is the whole reason Nikon has spent so much effort trying to sell consumers the idea that 'film-like grain' is the ultimate goal in digital photography. The digital photography industry has been producing noise/grain free images for many years now - at unheard of ISO/ASA film ranges - and now because Nikon wants to be able to jack off at the top of the MP hill we are all supposed to buy back into the idea of GRAIN..?
Tom LeRoy23-May-2013 15:27
And What about the oil and dust issue?
SiliconVoid09-Mar-2013 20:02
(@Eckhart Derschmidt) I can tell you in advance that many D600 and D800 owners will not like this comparison, but in response to your query:
The D600, like the D800, simply offers more MPs than the D700 - and the little annoyances that come with that..
In limited scenarios, such a studio type session where you have complete control over exposure and scene and do not have to shoot above ~400 ISO, the D600/D800 can be post-processed to produce marginally higher levels of detail over the D700 and that is very beneficial in those environments.

With that said; In every other situation one would have come to rely on the D700 to produce clean sharp imagery, it is still superior to the D600 and D800 in every way. Yes, you can find users out there who are willing to testify in court that the D800 and D600 surpass their previous experience with the D700 (color, low light, high ISO, etc) and all I can say to that is they need to have their D700 cleaned and serviced…

Note: To the new users and posters of the new D600.. Please purchase some new lenses, please..
You have had great results in the past with your favorite lenses, but Nikon did not design lenses like the 18-55, 18-70, 18-105, 18-135 18-200, 24-120f3.5, 28-300, 55-200, 55-300, 80-400D, not even the 80-200D, to be used on a body like the D3x - which is what the D600 is at the sensor level. So while you may be seeing better results from the new D600 and your old DX lenses and film era consumer lenses, you are not getting anywhere near the level of performance this camera is capable of producing. Basically, if it is not a prime lens or N series you are crippling what you could be getting. Those sharp clear bright contrasty professional looking images with creamy smooth backgrounds you see online and in magazines are indeed the result of experience and technique - but the other 95% of what is producing those results is glass - glass - glass.
(I know 5% sounds low for the amount of contribution experience and technique has to overall imagery, but that little 5% will make or break whether the image has any real 'impact'..) ;=)
Eckhart Derschmidt28-Nov-2012 20:53
Can anyone compare the D600 to the D700?
wildoat06-Nov-2012 23:52
At long last this new Nikon has it's own galleries!

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