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Nikon Coolpix P5100 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 30-Aug-2007
Megapixels: 12.1
Random Nikon Coolpix P5100 Samples from 10733 available Photos more
g1/72/22172/3/126121809.73beDw6s.jpg g1/37/381737/3/108448012.dABLr39P.jpg g3/43/686043/3/123406577.FySytOGD.jpg g5/34/750334/3/100206119.hYuInqFR.jpg
g1/28/918728/3/126833482.FIxPJLAV.jpg g9/92/16792/3/159543012.YHAcHsO4.jpg g3/72/22172/3/125181913.K1alXwzx.jpg g3/82/894582/3/122688616.Um2sGhOF.jpg
g9/39/822739/3/153406623.hN6feRma.jpg g4/39/822739/3/138315158.sRN1oY3I.jpg g1/37/381737/3/112500787.M6j8soWf.jpg g9/92/16792/3/155186378.VsifkiEr.jpg

Guest 26-Oct-2007 03:34
Just few, Will have more after my trekking this suday. :)
Guest 26-Oct-2007 03:22
It's the fastest AF mini DC in Nikon Coolpix series which I had used.
I missing the MF in Coolpix, overall images quality is good.
High iso performance is okay, iso 2000 noise can be remove by Nikon Capture
and have a pretty okay result. the wide angle adaptor is good and I'm trying
to attached the Fisheye adaptor on it.
Dwain Moody28-Sep-2007 01:00
I plan on getting this... Perfect size and build for trips were you really do not want to lug around the DSLR stuff.
...I wish someone would post some images.

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