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Nikon Coolpix P50 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 30-Aug-2007
Megapixels: 8.1
Random Nikon Coolpix P50 Samples from 329 available Photos more
g9/53/1160953/3/156293300.zYAaoBza.jpg g3/96/68796/3/113311743.9guXPH9X.jpg g9/51/922151/3/156806269.K8mfZTC3.jpg g1/66/280066/3/128196627.zMKnfhuJ.jpg
g9/51/922151/3/156806142.i7fx9VV8.jpg g12/68/1170868/3/169500946.lr64LTfA.jpg g1/66/280066/3/128196614.ePqb1fGB.jpg g9/51/922151/3/156806268.WBRSbQj7.jpg
g5/89/198889/3/119489875.KgNNl7Em.jpg g1/18/6518/3/112410505.1SuhpbrJ.jpg g2/64/946364/3/148074693.tLCTU1Hw.jpg g9/53/1160953/3/156293306.IUQji7Ty.jpg

Guest 27-Dec-2007 16:59
I have owned the P50 for two weeks now. It doesn't have any of the problems you got. Hopefully pbase will soon be smart enough to showcase my sample images taken with the P50, as I just uploaded a few, including a full-sized test of ISOs with and without noise reduction.
Mark Freeman18-Dec-2007 07:17
Forgot to mention I only have a very few pics on my pages taken with this camera.
I cropped from the middle to avoid the soft left side of the two bad units I tried.

Hope the links work.
Mark Freeman18-Dec-2007 07:03
Bought this last friday, had it replaced on Saturday. Then the second unit went back for a full refund on Monday. The reason was simple.. the whole left side of the photo at wide angle (28mm) was soft, blurry, way out of focus. The centre and the right side was sharp. The shop could not explain it so they replaced the camera. The second one was the same so I took it to Nikon Australia. They looked at the photo's and tried the camera and could not explain it. The gave me a RA number and left them to try and work the problem out. I may buy the camera again if the problem is found and solved. Otherwise check the left side of all your pics taken at wide angle on this camera.

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