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All Cameras >> Nikon >> Nikon Coolpix 2000

Nikon Coolpix 2000 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 29-May-2002
Megapixels: 2
Random Nikon Coolpix 2000 Samples from 1204 available Photos more
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BleuEvanescence24-Jun-2007 14:43
Well, i have my baby Nikon Coolpix 2000 since it came out on the market...
It was a gift but obviously, this is more than a gift.
It contributes to all the colours of my universe and i have been told many times that i do wonders with that humble but faithful little digital camera.
Welcome to my world....still for now.
I do dream of one day upgrading, if i can,
but i am still having a lot of fun with my humble Coolpix.
Ciao for now and no matter what equipment you have,
what is important is what You see, what You share
and the emotions that You captured for eternity and perhaps a day ;).
BleuEvanescence24-Jun-2007 14:43
Well, i have my baby Nikon Coolpix 2000 since it came out on the market...
It was a gift but obviously, this is more than a gift.
It contributes to all the colours of my universe and i have been told many times that i do wonders with that humble but faithful little digital camera.
Welcome to my world....still for now.
I do dream of one day upgrading, if i can,
but i am still having a lot of fun with my humble Coolpix.
Ciao for now and no matter what equipment you have,
what is important is what You see, what You share
and the emotions that You captured for eternity and perhaps a day ;).
BleuEvanescence24-Jun-2007 14:42
Well, i have my baby Nikon Coolpix 2000 since it came out on the market...
It was a gift but obviously, this is more than a gift.
It contributes to all the colours of my universe and i have been told many times that i do wonders with that humble but faithful little digital camera.
Welcome to my world....still for now.
I do dream of one day upgrading, if i can,
but i am still having a lot of fun with my humble Coolpix.
Ciao for now and no matter what equipment you have,
what is important is what You see, what You share
and the emotions that You captured for eternity and perhaps a day ;).
BleuEvanescence24-Jun-2007 14:42
Well, i have my baby Nikon Coolpix 2000 since it came out on the market...
It was a gift but obviously, this is more than a gift.
It contributes to all the colours of my universe and i have been told many times that i do wonders with that humble but faithful little digital camera.
Welcome to my world....still for now.
I do dream of one day upgrading, if i can,
but i am still having a lot of fun with my humble Coolpix.
Ciao for now and no matter what equipment you have,
what is important is what You see, what You share
and the emotions that You captured for eternity and perhaps a day ;).
BleuEvanescence24-Jun-2007 14:41
Well, i have my baby Nikon Coolpix 2000 since it came out on the market...
It was a gift but obviously, this is more than a gift.
It contributes to all the colours of my universe and i have been told many times that i do wonders with that humble but faithful little digital camera.
Welcome to my world....still for now.
I do dream of one day upgrading, if i can,
but i am still having a lot of fun with my humble Coolpix.
Ciao for now and no matter what equipment you have,
what is important is what You see, what You share
and the emotions that You captured for eternity and perhaps a day ;).
BleuEvanescence24-Jun-2007 14:40
Well, i have my baby Nikon Coolpix 2000 since it came out on the market...
It was a gift but obviously, this is more than a gift.
It contributes to all the colours of my universe and i have been told many times that i do wonders with that humble but faithful little digital camera.
Welcome to my world....still for now.
I do dream of one day upgrading, if i can,
but i am still having a lot of fun with my humble Coolpix.
Ciao for now and no matter what equipment you have,
what is important is what You see, what You share
and the emotions that You captured for eternity and perhaps a day ;).
BleuEvanescence24-Jun-2007 14:40
Well, i have my baby Nikon Coolpix 2000 since it came out on the market...
It was a gift but obviously, this is more than a gift.
It contributes to all the colours of my universe and i have been told many times that i do wonders with that humble but faithful little digital camera.
Welcome to my world....still for now.
I do dream of one day upgrading, if i can,
but i am still having a lot of fun with my humble Coolpix.
Ciao for now and no matter what equipment you have,
what is important is what You see, what You share
and the emotions that You captured for eternity and perhaps a day ;).
BleuEvanescence24-Jun-2007 14:40
Well, i have my baby Nikon Coolpix 2000 since it came out on the market...
It was a gift but obviously, this is more than a gift.
It contributes to all the colours of my universe and i have been told many times that i do wonders with that humble but faithful little digital camera.
Welcome to my world....still for now.
I do dream of one day upgrading, if i can,
but i am still having a lot of fun with my humble Coolpix.
Ciao for now and no matter what equipment you have,
what is important is what You see, what You share
and the emotions that You captured for eternity and perhaps a day ;).
BleuEvanescence24-Jun-2007 14:37
Well, i have my baby Nikon Coolpix 2000 since it came out on the market...
It was a gift but obviously, this is more than a gift.
It contributes to all the colours of my universe and i have been told many times that i do wonders with that humble but faithful little digital camera.
Welcome to my world....still for now.
I do dream of one day upgrading, if i can,
but i am still having a lot of fun with my humble Coolpix.
Ciao for now and no matter what equipment you have,
what is important is what You see, what You share
and the emotions that You captured for eternity and perhaps a day ;).

All photos are copyrighted and may not be used without permission from the photographer.
These photos are are a guide to what these cameras are capable of, but may not fully represent the camera due to post-processing, scanning, or photographic technique.
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