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All Cameras >> Nikon >> Nikkor 85mm f/1.4D IF AF

Nikkor 85mm f/1.4D IF AF Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 1995
Lens Mount: AF-D
Lens: 85mm f/1.4 ø77
Random Nikkor 85mm f/1.4D IF AF Samples from 5245 available Photos more
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shahoff28-Jan-2011 14:20
Best portrait lens I ever had. Live classic. Still working hard on my D700.
Some of the pictures here:
Guest 02-Mar-2009 19:14
I love this lens, I compared it against the Nikon 80-200 here:,4%2080-200%20f2,8.htm
Guest 19-Jun-2008 11:53
For a lens that is 13 years old it is the best I have and that includes Nikkor 70-200 2.8
Guest 10-Nov-2007 21:23
I Love My D2Xs and Af 85mm f/1.4
morbius28-Sep-2007 18:11
It's not called The Cream Machine for nothing. Fully deserves it's reputation as a classic lens.
Guest 16-Sep-2007 04:38
Guest 09-Aug-2007 04:44
Superb image quality. Has been my favorite since i bought it
Taz Hood04-Jul-2007 03:20
Grazie, Paolo. Your use of light and color is superb.
Guest 09-Jun-2007 18:06
Fanastic lens!
Bryant08-May-2007 18:43
I have a Minolta 7D. Where can I find this lens? The shots I have viewed on this site are awesome.
Guest 24-Apr-2007 08:49
Some other examples at f/2.5 taken with a D200. The images posted are only resized and NOT sw processed. Straight from the camera. Please watch with original size to appreciate some amazing results of this beautiful lens!

Sample with f/2.5:
Sample with f/2.5:
Sample with f/2.5:

Other samples are coming soon! :)
Ciao, Paolo.
Guest 08-Apr-2007 09:27
This lens is my absolute favorite portrait lens,superb with beautiful colour rendition and contrast when used on my Fuji S3 and Nikon D200, it's expensive compared to the 1.8 version but worth every penny if you are serious about portraits.
JeffinHillsboro14-Dec-2006 13:55
I recently sold all my Nikon gear to switch to Canon, EXCEPT for my 85 1.4 and my "old" S2. These two are such a fantastic combination and have produced so many gorgeous pictures for me I simply cannot give them up. About as close to a medium format feeling as you can get in 35mm. Worth EVERY penny!
Guest 23-Nov-2006 18:54
Contrast, colors, sharpness are really amazing! I'm using it with Nikon D200 and Fuji S3. It works great with S3, better than with D200. The sensor of the S3, well knon for its superior fidelity of the colors and the details such highlights and skin tones, fits extremely good with this lens.
Sample with f/1.4:
Sample with f/2.0:
Sample with f/8.0:
Many other are coming..
Ciao, Perbe
Guest 22-Nov-2006 15:56
sorry here's the link
Guest 22-Nov-2006 15:56
An amazing lens. You can even shoot sports with it, although the screw drive coupled with the less-torquey AF motor of my D200 makes it a little slow to focus. See my Stanford at Iowa field hockey gallery for some shots.
JB10-Mar-2006 22:37
A truly superb piece of glass.
Guest 28-Mar-2005 07:02
Great lens!

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