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All Cameras >> Nikon >> Nikkor 28mm f/2.8D AF

Nikkor 28mm f/2.8D AF Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 1994
Lens Mount: AF-D
Lens: 28mm f/2.8 ø52
Random Nikkor 28mm f/2.8D AF Samples from 873 available Photos more
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boliston24-Jul-2011 21:54
Forgot to add a link to some shots with this lens:
boliston24-Jul-2011 21:51
Just got this lens and it seems to work well for the types of photography I mainly do - Street & Architecture. I had the 35mm f/2D before but kept feeling it was slightly too narrow. The 28/2.8D gives a nice wide angle feel but without the distortions that wider lenses can give.
Guest 11-Mar-2009 10:20
Just a short update to what I have written above. Since then, I have spent a year with the 35mm f/2 that I upgraded to and now just started using the 35mm f/1.8G DX, which I can already say is the best of the three, assuming you are looking for something to be a 'normal' lens on a DX camera. As with any lens, how you use it is far more important than the lens itself. Whilst in many ways this is seen as a 'redudant' lens on DX, if you see a cheap copy lying around and you don't want to splash out on something else, do yourself a favour and pick it up! It is light and small and capable of some very nice images.
Guest 24-Jun-2007 04:48
comparatively cheaper than other lens and has a high quality so it's sufficient to write a daily life.
Guest 17-Jun-2007 02:30
I love this lens, though I understand many digital users prefer the 35mm F/2. Since I have this, I'll use it! What I love is the sharp images that possess character and also, most of all, the discipline that using a fixed lens brings out of me. It also has a gorgeous bokeh, especially when you move close to the subject, like here-

This, like the 35mm, is practically a 50mm lens on digital, so has a very natural field of view. I find myself walking around to compose my shots a lot more than with a zoom, which gives me more of a feeling that I am taking the photo, rather than the camera, producing much more interesting images. It's a natural choice for my attempts at 'artistic' photography, like this Golden Dawn series-

It's my opinion that people should use this kind of lens more and overly-flexible zooms far less!

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