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Nikon 1 V3 Point and Shoot Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 13-Mar-2014
Lens Mount: 1
Megapixels: 18.4
Random Nikon 1 V3 Samples from 870 available Photos more
g9/34/725834/3/159465851.mN1wWyYx.jpg g9/34/725834/3/159441460.ByIN6Om0.jpg g9/34/725834/3/159787949.FC6EXHiB.jpg g9/35/826035/3/162194012.7bnb6yDe.jpg
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g9/06/385706/3/156233700.CANZiKeW.jpg g9/66/444766/3/164969348.1iptSQSY.jpg g13/14/328214/3/174299717.6af620c5.JPEG g10/14/328214/3/167905055.Ubt2EjWR.jpg

Chris Morton11-Mar-2016 10:48
I slightly object to it being classified 'point and shoot'; although the sensor is 1", it shoots RAW and has one of the longest lenses (70-300 equiv 190-810) available. Mine has gone back to Nikon for new shutter mechanism after only just over 10k activations, but I did give it a bad jolt also putting a crack into the LCD a few months back. Have gone to n1 j5 during repair and not sure if I will want to go back

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