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All Cameras >> Lomo >> Lomo Compact Automat LCA

Lomo Compact Automat LCA Viewfinder Film Camera Sample Photos

Film Size: 135
Marketed: 1983 to 1990
Lens Mount: Fixed
Lens: Lomo Minitar 1 32mm f/2.8-16
Shutter Speeds: 2min to 1/500s
Random Lomo Compact Automat LCA Samples from 676 available Photos more
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Guest 05-Jul-2007 04:48
it's slim and light so i can be with it everywhere and it has a unique colour. but we have to spend much for this model. and for flim and printing, too.
Guest 19-Feb-2005 14:23
i like very much how Lomo lc-a takes the feeling-
hugss 4 all

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