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All Cameras >> Kodak >> Kodak DX6490

Kodak DX6490 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 20-Aug-2003
Megapixels: 4
Random Kodak DX6490 Samples from 10575 available Photos more
g4/33/683433/3/64134278.snFaiWDK.jpg g3/50/820550/3/94393829.dWkxoTrl.jpg g1/50/820550/3/114276318.0lqI9nRM.jpg g5/46/553346/3/68365838.0LjFtXGe.jpg
g4/90/665890/3/139345668.6wbHOiKy.jpg g6/46/553346/3/73083137.u7rZMaT2.jpg g1/90/665890/3/146179451.wrG3DiFI.jpg u35/ejcpa/medium/23396579.100_0680.jpg
g6/46/553346/3/74728554.9wo1DQVY.jpg u35/dubbellu/medium/31908838.100_0205.jpg u36/fotonuttommy/medium/32166140.100_2902.jpg g3/50/820550/3/123342575.Vg49F5Z8.jpg

Guest 13-Nov-2006 11:22
We have a DX6490. Have been using it several years. It does a great job with all photos...close up or high zoom. Moving pictures are great. No problems what-so-ever.
Kathy Pedersen23-Jan-2006 07:35
Nice camera, but the one main draw back is the zoom feature. The knob for the zoom is a bit akward and you can miss many good shots trying to focus!
Guest 20-Mar-2005 21:09
Christina Craft09-Jan-2005 08:13
Here are some example images taken with this camera:
You can get good results, but the shutter slack is a HUGE problem and I missed countless shots (even snapshots) because of it.
Guest 03-Nov-2004 04:28
I didn't like the Canon S1IS for the shutter stuck a lot. I had blurry pictures. So much for the Stabilization.
Guest 03-Nov-2004 04:27
I didn't like the Canon S1IS for the shutter stuck a lot. I had blurry pictures. So much for the Stabilization.
Guest 21-Oct-2004 17:00
Very cheaply constructed, slow oprating camera. As a salesman, I see a few of these, and quite a few other Kodaks come back for service and repairs, more than any other brand. As a salesman and photographer, I recommend the Canon S1IS, or the Fuji S5000. Don't let megapixel fool you, it's not all about megapixel. Good luck trying to take good shots in poor lighting with the Kodak, and expect lots of blurry shots at full zoom. The Canon has Image Stabilization, which will help eliminate this.
Guest 11-Oct-2004 21:10
Great Camera, but not in the dark en not with moving object's
Guest 03-Oct-2004 10:16
Estou extremante satisfeito com a máquina, excelente!
Guest 05-Jun-2004 07:05
Great camera!!

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