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All Cameras >> FujiFilm >> FujiFilm FinePix S6000fd

FujiFilm FinePix S6000fd Digital Camera Sample Photos

Also known as FinePix S6500fd
g4/87/331787/3/64386474.ZdHHJC5O.jpgg4/87/331787/3/63427031.FdmjreIG.jpgg4/87/331787/3/63427036.6VoJcZLH.jpgg4/87/331787/3/63427041.LdkH61xc.jpgmore photos
Marketed: 12-Jul-2006
Lens Mount: Fixed
Lens: 6.2-66.7mm f/2.8-11
Megapixels: 6.3
Random FujiFilm FinePix S6000fd Samples from 7237 available Photos more
g1/57/50857/3/106261300.JYWUu8c9.jpg g4/12/640512/3/145390690.rt3iHDgQ.jpg g6/57/50857/3/80756972.848dZPoZ.jpg g1/60/898660/3/111208826.gJSNsLVR.jpg
g4/11/906611/3/132829089.KbgPGboQ.jpg g6/57/50857/3/80769482.r1nFwdAL.jpg g1/11/906611/3/130633383.JezMPty7.jpg g1/57/50857/3/103730026.05d6xMKx.jpg
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Guest 09-May-2008 12:55
This is a great little starter camera! I really enjoy using it, it really helped start my intrest in photography and how to use different settings such as manual mode etc. It also gives some great results! All my shots are taken on this camera, check them out @

Guest 23-Nov-2007 16:59
S6500/S6000 is hard to use cam ... but with *raf and PS CS2, Lightroom & Noiseware pics looks really nice ;) I take macros with DCR-250 and photos look like as made with DSLR . See my results at: (now only 50 pics) So You can be a PRO photographer using s6500fd :) best regards FttSniper
Omar Gharzeddine18-May-2007 21:03
I've had this camera for a month now, and it's proving to be excellent.
Check out some samples at
Omar Gharzeddine18-May-2007 21:01
I've had this camera for a month now, and it's proving to be excellent.
Check out some samples at
Omar Gharzeddine18-May-2007 21:01
I've had this camera for a month now, and it's proving to be excellent.
Check out some samples at
Guest 06-May-2007 23:20
my first shot for fuji s6500fd. Nice camera nice photos:
Guest 17-Jan-2007 08:41
Few S6500fd and f10 shots.
wayne pease08-Jan-2007 06:06
ive been using this for theater, as well as the street. check out the recent galleries at doing a fair amount in raw now, something i've avoided before.

Guest 15-Dec-2006 16:26
More fuji 6000 shots. not sure why- but pBase isn't registering these shots yet in it's tally. But here are more and will keep adding more to it: BTW i am really enjoying the 6000. Nice little capable camera.
Guest 08-Dec-2006 00:11
here is my preliminary impression. Not a pro review, but fun to shoot and share :-)
Guest 05-Dec-2006 06:12
Arriving Thursday- 07 DECC 06. I will post a few tests shots, etc. Can't wait!

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