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All Cameras >> Casio >> Casio Exilim Pro EX-P600

Casio Exilim Pro EX-P600 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 13-Feb-2004
Megapixels: 6
Random Casio Exilim Pro EX-P600 Samples from 59 available Photos more
g4/23/26923/3/61573211.EVYh9res.jpg g6/05/623605/3/73347567.isQ3Zuu5.jpg g13/44/169344/3/173219318.e341a6f1.JPEG g1/75/22275/3/103382351.SI9rUsSW.jpg
g4/44/827244/3/92072419.m3bRUNTq.jpg g6/15/762815/3/79620312.CSTWYSpn.jpg g1/05/623605/3/103649826.PrL5y2WV.jpg g1/75/22275/3/103382343.HkG1YJyL.jpg
g1/75/22275/3/103382345.IFqxXedy.jpg g4/23/26923/3/61573223.OB1GT2nY.jpg g1/44/169344/3/117810061.1czWgnrp.jpg g4/23/26923/3/61573237.FGq4A40K.jpg

Guest 06-Jan-2005 05:24
Just got my P600. I'd consider myself a typical snapshot photographer and have been literally stunned by the images I've gotten from this camera. Here are some first samples:
Guest 01-Jan-2005 01:56
CasioEX P600
Guest 04-Oct-2004 14:38
Guest 11-Sep-2004 12:03
check my pics out, I LOVE THIS CAMERA
Guest 03-Sep-2004 17:01
to newkid, is your ps postprocessing remove exif data?
Guest 03-Sep-2004 17:00
there is a nice camera...why such few pictures?
Guest 27-Jul-2004 18:43
Oll photo are very dark. It is very difficult understund color ability. See my max226 gallerie.
Guest 26-May-2004 10:50
Why there is no photo from P600 indexed in this page? Please check if there is any problem with the index and you could use my gallery at to verify the program.

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These photos are are a guide to what these cameras are capable of, but may not fully represent the camera due to post-processing, scanning, or photographic technique.
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