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All Cameras >> Carl Zeiss Jena >> Carl Zeiss Jena 35mm f/2.4 Flektogon M42

Carl Zeiss Jena 35mm f/2.4 Flektogon M42 Lens Sample Photos

Lens Mount: M42
Lens: 35mm f/2.4
Random Carl Zeiss Jena 35mm f/2.4 Flektogon M42 Samples from 278 available Photos more
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koalalover426-Dec-2008 23:52
Just got mine today from a UK seller on eBay. A gem of a lens as has been widely reported. Great color, contrast, sharpness, & build quality. Smooth focus action. Buy them now while they are still an amazing bargain. A reasonable price to pay for a nice copy is in the USD 150-175 range. Mine is used on a Canon EOS 20D.
Guest 18-Oct-2007 15:18
A real nice lens, buy one if you get the chance you won't regret it. Very easy to manual focus on my 1D2. Ideal walk around lens and its sharp.
Guest 11-May-2007 04:00
Best value for money 35mm lens in terms of sharpness and close up capability.
A true gem that with the correct adapter goes excellent on a canon eos camera.

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