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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon PowerShot SD900

Canon PowerShot SD900 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Also known as Canon IXY DIGITAL 1000 in Japan.
Also known as Canon Digital IXUS 900 Ti
Marketed: 14-Sep-2006
Megapixels: 10
Random Canon PowerShot SD900 Samples from 1687 available Photos more
g1/71/17371/3/128574875.vfpvu3IS.jpg g3/66/866766/3/101726053.XvhdsLSP.jpg g6/59/515759/3/81370819.ktKTAONT.jpg g6/58/759258/3/81947534.ViJ4Hi2V.jpg
g5/66/866766/3/104664143.Xb7XgCcz.jpg g3/06/296006/3/96285678.4nwY93DW.jpg g6/24/369324/3/75816960.vNg6TZD5.jpg g3/66/866766/3/102004269.vtUinh4G.jpg
g9/73/552173/3/152433790.lN8jtecg.jpg g6/65/414765/3/82050956.yYR6Y3jE.jpg g1/58/759258/3/132109792.svYXmNCa.jpg g3/43/284843/3/125035331.fUfRvjf6.jpg

Guest 02-Nov-2006 01:16
Anyone else thinks the model in the official SD900 samples look like Uma Thurman? Link to the samples at :>
Guest 09-Oct-2006 00:22
Is this an acceptable manufactures defect for a $499.00 digital camera? This was from when I first opened the box...
Guest 15-Sep-2006 18:34
Canon SD900 here I come....

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