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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon PowerShot S1 IS

Canon PowerShot S1 IS Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 09-Feb-2004
Megapixels: 3.2
Random Canon PowerShot S1 IS Samples from 22431 available Photos more
g6/14/530314/3/79829456.wKTVshTt.jpg u32/ms_mimi69/medium/37634140.Gullsatplay.jpg v3/51/444351/3/46035331.IMG_1226.jpg g6/86/67186/3/69081751.KJrCnpyM.jpg
g1/55/264155/3/113852440.RAPTWnUg.jpg u17/ms_mimi69/medium/42682662.SandHillCrane.jpg g3/14/530314/3/95592311.6S3oLK9f.jpg g4/64/652564/3/59995875.PhototoPbaseIMG_9413.jpg
g3/86/67186/3/95478947.BbJ518VK.jpg g5/54/51154/3/68529568.1aN5U8mg.jpg u44/jackstraw/medium/28806476.IMG_0298.jpg g6/93/586993/3/84363392.YkhKsAzZ.jpg

Guest 11-Aug-2006 21:46
nice camera, with great icture quality despite the low pexil 3.2, the video capture is of great quality. Cheep and durable. The only problem is the batteries go off very fast, which make it diffecult to tak as muuch pic as you like. A solution to this is to buy the LiTH rechargable batteru set.
Guest 11-May-2006 02:42
Is tripod is must for taking sharp Macro shots for S2 IS.....??

Guest 14-Aug-2005 15:33
This is my First Digital Camera and I am quite satisfied with the results.
Though some time focusing problem comes when the subject is too cloase or say taking a Macro shot at full wide.
Otherwise the colors, Image quality are very good (keeping ISO at 50 or 100 only)
Guest 20-Jan-2005 16:14
I am very pleased with the results from this camera. And well the price is very affordable.
Michele Rodgers28-Nov-2004 12:44
I have been having great luck and fun with this camera. The colors are very vibrant. I never bothered much with a "movie" on previous cameras but have been taking more with this camera because the quality is great.

The 10X zoom is super and the stabilizer is a great asset and really works.

Also ... the quality of prints from this camera are great as well.

A great little camera I would definately recommend.
Guest 11-Nov-2004 16:51
I'm happy with this camera which replaces my Olympus C-2100UZ. But like others have commented, the low light focusing isn't that good. I'm very happy with the video and audio quality of the movies.
Eric C. Lee27-Oct-2004 22:28
This is a pretty decent camera.
Nice color, sits in my hands comfortably and most importantly - reasonable price.
The 10X ultrasonic zoom is impressive.
The image stablizer... even though I know it's on; doesn't really help much.
The focusing ability is not as good as my previously owned Canon S200, especially in a low lighting conditions.
After all, good stuff isn't cheap, cheap stuff isn't always as good as the expensive one.
Guest 05-Oct-2004 02:18
Nice camera. Takes decent photos. Video quality is very good for a still camera. Low light focusing isn't as good as my older Olympus C-2100.
Guest 08-Sep-2004 13:18
Amazing Camera !!!
Guest 20-Jul-2004 16:59
This is a good DC. You just buy another lens , like Raynox Super Macro ....etc.
Then plus a tripod , you will find it's fun using this DC.
The most important , it's cheap.

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