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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon PowerShot A710IS

Canon PowerShot A710IS Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 24-Aug-2006
Megapixels: 7.1
Random Canon PowerShot A710IS Samples from 13772 available Photos more
g1/92/758692/3/106177171.S8GYYSlg.jpg g1/92/758692/3/104328548.4XTxbdLr.jpg g1/71/610971/3/97547629.hKAGpxtj.jpg g1/64/707064/3/107819673.E1ncr8r7.jpg
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Guest 25-Oct-2007 06:15
One thing I must say is I find that the Digi III Processor are more noisey than the Digi II. I have to fix the photo in Photoshop CS a bit ... As for the Digi II I found it had more details and quality in the picture with far less noise if any at all... Canon needs to correct there new line! before people get turned off.....I'm holding back from buying canons new line till they fix there problem... I love canon and my A710IS shines in it's own way in certain situations, but as for closeups I took, I do notice a big difference between my SD550 Digi II and the A710IS each had there strong points and weak. Night shots A710IS untouchable but the SD550 closeup pics are far more detailed and clearer...with no noise...!~
The Digi III Processor is a defect with washed out noisey pics...Except at night.
Why I do not know... But day pics... not so good.
Guest 13-Sep-2007 14:38
Just to mention, I use ATP 166x Pro Max Ram 2GB and 4GB in my camera's and I find this makes a difference in picture quality to. Just way more clear pic. Why, I do not know but when I use other ram I have problems with noise and pics are not as good or as clear. Don't ask me why? I'm sure ram makes a difference but it really seems so to me that this ram just works amazingly for my SD550 and A710IS. So if you have trouble try it.. I love it..
Guest 12-Sep-2007 01:01
I bought and A710IS camera and i'm extreamly pleased with this camera. I use the P Mode with manual focus and light adjustment settings with dark tone or vivid {colors}! and you have to take a few to get it right and practice and learn . But the end result is oustanding pics almost as good as the best cameras on the market. But you gotta play with settings to find this out.. Alot of other cameras do not have this much to play with like the A710IS. Oh to fix flash pause reload time which sux ass due to 2 AA not having enough juice to fix this problem just switch to view photo > then back to photo and vwalla it's ready again faster! to take a flash pic.. works for me!! The A710IS is also and incredable night taker to Manual = M left to 15 so LCD is bright and use a tripod no flash at anything at night you want to photo! You'll be shocked in 20 seconds later how great and clear that pic is. Just make sure you focused properly on what you want to be clear in the pic. Enjoy... Digital camers lighting is essential.. Go look at my pics..
Margaret Lew01-Sep-2007 19:43
We have both the SD700 and the A710 and have compared results over the past 8 months of shooting... the A710 has proven itself over and over. The A710 lens is *sharp* the many adjustable features mentioned by Andrys are excellent. The A710 is comfortable to hold.

Drawbacks? The LED may be too dim in bright light situations... my only real complaint; it fits in my jacket pocket but is not a real pocket camera like the SD700. The A710 is a great camera for a beginning photographer that satisfies the standards of a professional as well.
Andrys Basten19-Jun-2007 08:16
I should add that this inexpensive camera has one feature most point & shoot digicams
don't, and that is full manual control if you want it. This is normally saved for DSLRs.
But you can also shoot in total 'Auto' mode if you want, a featuret that most who choose
'simple' cameras don't point out. There's an intermediate mode of "Program" in which you
can set the ISO you want (to minimize grain in small cameras) while the camera automates
the rest. Add the 6x or 200mm-equivalent zoom plus image stabilization and it's a steal.
See my first post, though, for caveats on flash picture intervals and iso800 grain.
Guest 18-Jun-2007 00:52
A commentary on Canon PowerShot A710 IS vs Canon PowerShot SD800 IS can be found at :>
Andrys Basten29-May-2007 05:58
The image stabilization is incredibly effective so that I can take pictures indoors at
night at iso100 without flash, but of course not if the subjects are moving. Stay away
from its iso800, which is ultra grainy. And people who need to shoot flash a lot will not
like the 5-7 second wait before being able to use the flash again. I try not to use flash
as I prefer natural light, so am very happy with its crisp pictures in a small camera
that can be with me at all times. To avoid blow-outs in high contrast, you can lower
contrast, and lowering exposure by 1/3 outside is recommended. I have a gallery of
experimental shots with this camera, at
Monte Dodge21-Sep-2006 07:32
Decent Camera. I love the 6x zoom and only 2 AA batteries instead of 4 like the A640/630. Now the bad part. Plastic body and only 115,000 pixel on LED screen. A friend just got the SD 700 which is a more solide camera and the 173,000 pixel LED screen " Blows Mine Away hands down. I needed a light IS camera that takes AA batteries, but Canon should have put the SD 700 screen in this camera. The SD 700 is lighter yet and metal body body. Not the " Mattel Looking Model" the 710A is. Time will tell and photo from this 710 are quite good and that is the bottom line..

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