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Canon PowerShot A700 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 21-Feb-2006
Megapixels: 6
Random Canon PowerShot A700 Samples from 3303 available Photos more
g3/98/25598/3/96791189.p7pr3HO7.jpg g3/98/25598/3/96791203.vP5Vu3ei.jpg g4/42/269142/3/63550781.nmhxwNHC.jpg g4/00/665900/3/64622039.9GEjL045.jpg
g1/17/33317/3/63202346.WHQUOEJR.jpg g4/12/825812/3/91836444.zqUkR8a7.jpg g4/42/269142/3/60561258.ANTONROSE.jpg g5/75/643175/3/68087082.3FPtLs5L.jpg
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Guest 24-Aug-2006 12:54
I've only had the camera for a couple weeks, however it was pretty obvious from the first pictures I took, these are quality crisp photograps. I'm writing this review because I'm beginning to appreciate the reviews from other customers when I buy things. I was in the market for a new digital camera because the one I had accidentally went for a swim. I had a 3 MP kodak easyshare from 2002. I was generally satisfied, it took decent pictures, definitely easy to use. So, this time I thought I'd stick with kodak, just upgrade the MP and get a smaller camera. I bought the V603. To be fair, it's small, probably too small trying to work the buttons. Outside the pictures are pretty good, inside, two words, horrible, and useless. I called kodak, they walked me through changing around the settings as I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt, nope, still bad. It was unacceptable to me so I returned the camera, paid the restocking fee.

Anyway, after reviewing a bunch of different brands, sizes, etc, I purchased this one. Very, very satisfied. Particularly with the picture quality (after all that's the whole purpose of a camera anyway, right?) Better then expected. So far, pretty straight forward to use, I'll confess i've only kept it on automatic settings. I put my daughter on the swing, I was facing the sun and took some pictures to put it to the test. Awesome, they looked like perfect still pictures. My wife couldn't believe she was moving in the picture.

So, it's not a pocket/compact camera, or whatever you call it, although it's still fairly small. At this point, I wouldn't want to get a smaller camera and compromise the picture quality.

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Guest 20-Jun-2006 14:09
a sample gallery available at

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