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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EOS Rebel II

Canon EOS Rebel II SLR Film Camera Sample Photos

Also known as EOS 1000S QD in Japan.
Also known as EOS 1000FN
Film Size: 135 Picture Size: 24x36mm
Marketed: 1992
Lens Mount: EF
Random Canon EOS Rebel II Samples from 359 available Photos more
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Guest 16-Dec-2004 23:39
I will never forget the pics I used to take with this camera as it served me well from the day I bought it. I had previously owned the EOS 1000F, but bought the FN simply because it had a slightly faster top shutter speed! ;) Looking through these pics, I can see most of the qualities which endeared the 1000FN to me so much. Simply put, it was one of the best Canon film SLR cameras I ever used.

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