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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EF-S 55-250 mm IS

Canon EF-S 55-250 mm IS Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 20-Aug-2007
Lens: 55-250mm
Random Canon EF-S 55-250 mm IS Samples from 8511 available Photos more
g1/94/961694/3/128823636.4iuYQb2C.jpg g1/09/960609/3/131085202.7qbUxAnj.jpg g3/51/354051/3/96268837.wUP6ZxbR.jpg g9/72/225272/3/149810163.WzZdS6GL.jpg
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sir_chief05-Jul-2012 17:42
You will not, I repeat NOT, find a zoom lens at this price point that provides you with finer images. Sharpness is outstanding, and color/contrast very good, but if you need more, it is simply a matter of you working your camera or software a bit. Set yourself a nice custom picture style in your Canon menu, and get nice, punchy and sharp images with no post processing. I.S. works great. For approx 200 US Dollars, this is the best you will get. Just buy it already unless you plan to spend much more.

Of course - this all assumes you are using a crop body, not full-frame.
sir_chief05-Jul-2012 13:33
You will not, I repeat NOT, find a zoom lens at this price point that provides you with finer images. Sharpness is outstanding, and color/contrast very good, but if you need more, it is simply a matter of you working your camera or software a bit. Set yourself a nice custom picture style in your Canon menu, and get nice, punchy and sharp images with no post processing. I.S. works great. For approx 200 US Dollars, this is the best you will get. Just buy it already unless you plan to spend much more.

Of course - this all assumes you are using a crop body, not full-frame.
Philip Purdy28-May-2009 04:03
This really is a good lens. Other than focussing issues in low light which is understandable and it being slower to focus than the EF 70-200f4 can't go wrong considering the price and that you have IS that works quite well. I use it with my XSi to have a small and light setup. I'm very pleased with it.. you can view some photos here:
Russ Cushman11-Jul-2008 01:38
I think this is a good lens, check out my gallery for some 100%crops.
Guest 18-Mar-2008 21:32
Barry S Moore31-Jan-2008 12:54
I have a gallery of test photos at

Please leave a comment if useful.
Hans Meerbeek25-Jan-2008 07:18
All images here are from this lens:
Barry S Moore14-Jan-2008 12:22
there is a set of images at this pbase site also

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