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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EF 400mm f/4 DO IS II usm

Canon EF 400mm f/4 DO IS II usm Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 01-Nov-2014
Lens Mount: EF
Lens: 400mm ø52
Random Canon EF 400mm f/4 DO IS II usm Samples from 3336 available Photos more
g13/70/2124770/3/174058972.d9fdec96.JPEG g9/56/958156/3/164964114.WUYOLMu4.jpg g13/45/1152345/3/172386954.e2945d33.JPEG g9/34/847134/3/160287340.BcmSm3rE.jpg
g12/70/2124770/3/171146843.8pHSSEKn.jpg g9/56/958156/3/164963623.91y5dP3U.jpg g13/45/1152345/3/173247541.6e592176.JPEG g10/39/403439/3/166312348.Y56QTHvy.jpg
g12/18/954418/3/169210516.FmGw0w2B.jpg g12/18/954418/3/171240581.rjvzwxUt.jpg g12/18/954418/3/171903942.SlduAsoo.jpg g9/56/958156/3/161450005.GBEDuvCK.jpg

Joep Krijnen04-Apr-2015 17:06
Ashley from PBASE support promised me a few times to correct about this lens but Ashley just lies and is doing nothing.

Joep Krijnen25-Mar-2015 15:55
This lens is marketed september 2014, the picture is from series 1, and the name is not correct in the line of Canon lenses.
I did sent Pbase a lot of mails, but they do not seem to care.

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