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Canon A-1 SLR Film Camera Sample Photos

u8/equipment/medium/32781442.IMG_4982.jpgu8/equipment/medium/32781451.IMG_4994.jpgu8/equipment/medium/32781450.IMG_4993.jpgu8/equipment/medium/32781443.IMG_4983.jpgmore photos
Film Size: 135 Picture Size: 24x36mm
Marketed: 1978
Lens Mount: FD
Random Canon A-1 Samples from 4287 available Photos more
g4/16/531516/3/64883362.g0Sp9y60.jpg g4/16/531516/3/65372229.uyHsSb9B.jpg g4/98/696298/3/109333821.dv4Wnqh5.jpg u7/filer/medium/1046416.Galesburgbarnatsunrise.jpg
v3/81/596981/3/50110981.TorontoP1.jpg u43/chammett/medium/27747665.Prienecolumndrums.jpg g1/98/696298/3/109496847.ENOKO7dR.jpg u43/sandpiper/medium/28046705.56chevy3.jpg
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lisaduga02-May-2014 08:35

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Guest 03-Nov-2009 00:07
I owned and used the A1 for almost 20 years before I went to digital. After recently switching to Panasonic micro 4/3 I suddenly find myself buying up FD lenses I could only dream of back in the 80's when I got started. Since I have all these fine lenses, I bought a used A1 for $120, shipped on ebay. What a deal!

I also have F1-N on the way. That was a crazy deal too.
Richard Lupu31-Jan-2008 10:32
Still one of the best manual focus 35mm SLRs around. Tough and packed with great features. Been a great low light camera for me and continues to provide me with excellent service. I recommend the A1 winder over the A2 as it fits in the hand better, at least for me.
林宗勇 LIM Chong Yong19-Dec-2006 14:51
Though I have switched to digital, I am still keeping it out of sentimental reason because it was my first SLR.
Jazz Cat 6010-Oct-2006 06:47
I'm still using this camera in 2006.I really enjoy all the features it has. It's heavy and built like a tank.I put a 600mm f4.5 on this then things get really heavy. It keeps me in great shape. Check out my "birds" gallery. For some images taken with this setup.
Guest 28-Feb-2006 19:07
Great camera. I picked up a refurbished one in 1981. Haven't used it since I went digital in 2000. I don't really have sentimental possessions; still, I can't part with this camera no matter how long it goes unused.
Al Chesworth08-Mar-2005 20:58
This model was my first NEW camera after using second hand cheapies***
Wonderfull machine Chezzy
Guest 13-Nov-2004 01:52
I have one with a Moter Drive, best thing ive ever used! in my general gallery, you will find a pic of one!
Guest 08-Sep-2004 23:18
This is an amazing camera!

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