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All Cameras >> Argus

Argus Cameras with Sample Photos

Model Marketed Mega pixels Photos Users
Film Cameras
stl_1000 Argus/Cosina STL 1000 1970 0
Argus Automatic 35 1964 0
Argus Autronic II 1962 - 1965 0
autronic_i Argus Autronic I 1960 - 1962 0
Argus C3 Matchmatic 1958 - 1966 0
Argus Model 75 1958 - 1964 5 1
Argus C-fourty-four 1956 - 1957 7
c_twenth Argus C-twenty 1956 - 1958 2 1
super_seventy_five Argus Super Seventy-Five 1954 - 1958 0
Argus A4 1953 - 1956 0
c_four Argus C-four 1951 - 1957 19 3
argoflex_40 Argoflex 40 1950 - 1954 0
Argus FA 1950 - 1951 0
Argus 21 (Markfinder) 1947 - 1952 0
Argus CC (Color Camera) 1941 - 1942 5
Argus A3 1940 - 1942 0
Argus AA 1940 - 1942 0
Argus A2B 1939 - 1950 4
Argus A2F 1939 - 1941 0
c3 Argus C3 1939 - 1966 421 19
k Argus K 1939 - 1940 0
Argus C 1938 - 1939 0
Argus C2 1938 - 1942 0
af Argus AF 1937 - 1938 0 1
Argus B 1937 0
Argus A 1936 - 1941 0 2
electric_eye_345x Argus Electric Eye 345x 0
Argus Model 12 0

All photos are copyrighted and may not be used without permission from the photographer.
These photos are are a guide to what these cameras are capable of, but may not fully represent the camera due to post-processing, scanning, or photographic technique.
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