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Dan Chusid | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Watts Towers - A Labor of Art & Love tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Watts Towers - A Labor of Art & Love

Italian Immigrant Simon (1879-1965) Rodia's dream to "make something big",
became a 33-year project (1921-54) in the Los Angeles, California community of Watts.
Built entirely by hand and without scaffolding, the towers rise to nearly
100 feet high and the surrounding construction is adorned with bits of pottery,
glass, rocks, mirrors, seashells, ceramic tiles and marble in a folk art manner.

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June Foray (The Voice Of Rocky The Flying Squirrel)
June Foray (The Voice Of Rocky The Flying Squirrel)
Watts Towers - Imprints
Watts Towers - Imprints
Bonded Towers
Bonded Towers
Watts Towers - Imprints In Concrete
Watts Towers - Imprints In Concrete
Watts Towers - Imprints
Watts Towers - Imprints
Bottle Bottoms
Bottle Bottoms
Watts Towers
Watts Towers
Embedded Plates
Embedded Plates
Watts Towers
Watts Towers
Watts Plaque
Watts Plaque
Watts Towers
Watts Towers
Plaques & House Remnants
Plaques & House Remnants
Wall Detail
Wall Detail
Front Entry
Front Entry
Bottles, Pottery & Tiles
Bottles, Pottery & Tiles
Garage Doors
Garage Doors
Imagine A House
Imagine A House
Looking Up
Looking Up
Exterior Walls - Detail
Exterior Walls - Detail
Exterior - Mailbox Wall
Exterior - Mailbox Wall
Wall Panels
Wall Panels
Inside Out
Inside Out
Inside Doorway Arch
Inside Doorway Arch
Entry Archway
Entry Archway
Fountain Base
Fountain Base