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Airmotors of Texas

Windmills of Texas
This is a gallery of Texas Windmills. Most of them were Capture on Farm Road 111 > Seguin Texas to Edna Texas.

I made a conclusion that windmills are becoming a rare site, especially to find one that is not erected by sore eye object like a trashed out trailer house, power lines, and is still working. As you drive closer to East Texas Gulf Coast most of all been damage by Ike but the ranchers some how got them up and running to water the livestock.

Texas Wind Mills
Texas Wind Mills
Flying flag of Texas
Flying flag of Texas
Rust Never Dies
Rust Never Dies
Water by the Barn
Water by the Barn
Hill Country Water
Hill Country Water
Road out a few Storms
Road out a few Storms
High wind Catcher
High wind Catcher
Edge of the Woods
Edge of the Woods
IReaching for the Winds
IReaching for the Winds
Water On the Hill
Water On the Hill
Pumping a Drum of Water
Pumping a Drum of Water
Filling The Tank
Filling The Tank
Oak Tree Waterwell
Oak Tree Waterwell
Having a Round With Old Friends
Having a Round With Old Friends
Drinking Buds
Drinking Buds
Water in The Trees
Water in The Trees
Hillside Water
Hillside Water
Watering Hole #5
Watering Hole #5
g4/03/820703/3/90610711.rGLzmp97.jpg g4/03/820703/3/90610710.7dbFo2KD.jpg g4/03/820703/3/90610704.23maisuS.jpg g4/03/820703/3/90610712.BEGWz3v7.jpg
g1/03/820703/3/106302887.56SSJxXv.jpg g5/03/820703/3/106382268.va9i8IIE.jpg Cold Watermill
Cold Watermill
Judge Roy Bean West of the Pacos
Judge Roy Bean West of the Pacos