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David Buzzeo | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Music tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Everyone Loves a Marching Band
Everyone Loves a Marching Band
Fiddler's Parade
Fiddler's Parade
Sufi Concert
Sufi Concert
Billy Zizi
Billy Zizi
Billy Zizi and Friends
Billy Zizi and Friends
Big Miller Park
Big Miller Park
Music Box
Music Box
Astor Piazzolla
Astor Piazzolla
Jazz in the Square
Jazz in the Square
Blues Man
Blues Man
Blues on Whyte
Blues on Whyte
A Hot Bed of Jazz
A Hot Bed of Jazz
Whitemud Drive
Whitemud Drive
Cam Neufeld at Secret Setlist
Cam Neufeld at Secret Setlist
Kayla & Matt Hotte at Secret Setlist
Kayla & Matt Hotte at Secret Setlist
Strumming a Hot Tune
Strumming a Hot Tune
Buskers in Old Strathcona
Buskers in Old Strathcona
Jessica Heine Playing at the Daffodil Gallery
Jessica Heine Playing at the Daffodil Gallery
Fooling Around
Fooling Around
Keeping Warm at All is Bright
Keeping Warm at All is Bright
Busker in Gas Town
Busker in Gas Town
Canmore Folk Festival 2012
Canmore Folk Festival 2012
In the Moment
In the Moment