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David Buzzeo | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Uncanny >
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Two outhouses and a shopping cart.

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Julie Oldfield02-Feb-2024 02:58
The bold colors are striking no matter the subject. The cart is a mystery. V
larose forest photos02-Feb-2024 02:13
You've got to wonder... the how and the why of the cart on the portapotties! Cool catch. V
Philip P01-Feb-2024 18:53
A BOGO promotion with a catch, it won't fit the shopping cart?
Walter Otto Koenig01-Feb-2024 17:53
It's Art!
Helen Betts01-Feb-2024 16:13
They certainly are colorful! I too was wondering about the shopping cart. V.
janescottcumming01-Feb-2024 13:55
They certainly stand out! I'll never understand people, why did someone have to put a shopping cart up there?
joseantonio01-Feb-2024 05:17
nice contrast of colors.V.
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