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Steve Butler | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
Comments are encouraged and requests for prints can be e-mailed to me at P.S.let me know where you are from. Thanks
South Fork High School back in the day
South Fork High School back in the day
Barbara's Birthday Party Sept. 1979
Barbara's Birthday Party Sept. 1979
Carlos Santana at Humboldt State 1977
Carlos Santana at Humboldt State 1977
South Fork Class of 73
South Fork Class of "73"
Sophia An
Sophia An
Humboldt Bay Coast Guard
Humboldt Bay Coast Guard
6RRC  Six Rivers Running Club
6RRC Six Rivers Running Club
Surfers on the North Coast
Surfers on the North Coast
USS Indianapolis Survivors and USS Bassett Crewmen   1944-45
USS Indianapolis Survivors and USS Bassett Crewmen 1944-45
San Francisco Scenes
San Francisco Scenes
Back Yard Spiders
Back Yard Spiders
Out and About
Out and About
Critters and Things
Critters and Things
1989 Volvo 240 Wagon
1989 Volvo 240 Wagon
Eureka High Graduation 2007
Eureka High Graduation 2007