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Wendy & Larry Burke | all galleries >> Galleries >> Alonso World Champion 2005 Formula 1 cars , sports cars , Silverstone. Drag Cars > Alonso World Champion 2005
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08-JUL-2005 Joe Burke

Alonso World Champion 2005


World Champion 2005 Taken at Silverstone 2005

Do not Copy this Photograpy it is the property of Joseph Burke 2005
if you want to buy a Alonso Photograph then contact me via the gallery. But plesae do not copy them. Thanks

Olympus E-10
1/400s f/4.0 at 34.0mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Enfoco 18-Mar-2016 00:26
Eddie Ling02-Jan-2006 12:20
cool shot!