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Jim Kennedy | profile | all galleries >> THE NATURAL WORLD >> ANIMALS >> INVERTEBRATES >> ARTHROPODS >> INSECTS >> CATERPILLARS tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


15697 Silver Spotted Skipper
15697 Silver Spotted Skipper
09218 Tent Caterpillar
09218 Tent Caterpillar
13088 No ID
13088 No ID
13368 No ID
13368 No ID
 14293 Io Moth Hatchlings
14293 Io Moth Hatchlings
15102 Spiny Oakworm Moth
15102 Spiny Oakworm Moth
15107 Spiny Oakworm Close-up
15107 Spiny Oakworm Close-up
15115 Polyphemus Moth Hatchling
15115 Polyphemus Moth Hatchling
15272 Black Swallowtail
15272 Black Swallowtail
15283 Black Swallowtail Close-up
15283 Black Swallowtail Close-up
15391 Sycamore Tussock Moth
15391 Sycamore Tussock Moth
15662  Fall Webworm Moth
15662 Fall Webworm Moth
06488 On Butterfly Weed Seed Pod
06488 On Butterfly Weed Seed Pod
8032 Monarch
8032 Monarch
Parasa chloris
Parasa chloris
Dasychira obliquata?
Dasychira obliquata?
Norape ovina--White Flannel Moth
Norape ovina--White Flannel Moth
Adoneta spinuloides?
Adoneta spinuloides?
Skiff Moth sp?
Skiff Moth sp?
Phobetron pithecium
Phobetron pithecium
Unknown caterpillar
Unknown caterpillar
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail?
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail?
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail?
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail?
Bagworm coccoon
Bagworm coccoon
Epargyreus clarus
Epargyreus clarus
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail?
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail?