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Buba Jafarli | all galleries >> Nepal >> Nepal - Mornings in Villages near Kathmandu > Waiting while mom is praying
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Waiting while mom is praying

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi
1/320s f/6.3 at 200.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 05-May-2009 16:42
ra kargiaa:)
Joel Escala04-May-2009 11:51
Another lovely portrait here. V!
Ursula Armstrong02-May-2009 13:50
she looks so fragile and shy, you want to take her hand and comfort her - until she smiles again
Uschi (V)
Guest 30-Apr-2009 15:08
That's a beauty of Katmandu.

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