Gregory Bald...
Thwarted! Bob Stelloh, Ed Riley, Charlie Larus discussing the options. |
At the trailhead, 10:20 am, 5.5 miles to go. |
Forge Creek, near the beginning of the Gregory Ridge Trail. |
Forge Creek |
Trails act either as dams or streams, and this worn-out section to the left was clearly a stream. |
Taking a break: Jim Holmes (back), John Brown, Carolyn Brown, Charlie Larus, Dick Roemer, Ellen Riley (side) |
Almost there: 2:00 pm, only 3200' forward and 290' up still to go. |
At the entrance to the bald, 2:20 pm: the start of the pay-off -- WOW! |
Note the variety of colors, and the almost uniform size of the plants at around 5' to 6' high. |
Charlie Larus picking a favorite |
Carolyn Brown, Jim Holmes |
Bob Stelloh |
Leaf gall is thought to be more prevalent in situations of high moisture, low light and poor air circulation -- none of those here! |
Leaf gall and lichen. Does lichen actively harm azaleas, or does lichen just appear on old weakened plants? |
Azaleas and views, . . . |
. . ., more azaleas and views, |
. . . and still more azaleas and views! |
click on thumbnails for full image