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University of Toledo Various Shots Along the Way

A truly beautiful campus, in every respect.
UT tower from the field
UT tower from the field
The UT Tower from the Glass Bowl
The UT Tower from the Glass Bowl
winter moon
winter moon
University of Toledo Glass Bowl
University of Toledo Glass Bowl
UT Tower
UT Tower
UT Glass Bowl
UT Glass Bowl
University Hall
University Hall
Spring Morning on Campus
Spring Morning on Campus
sorority smiles
sorority smiles
UT Campus Flowers
UT Campus Flowers
UT Campus
UT Campus
UT Campus Health and Human Services
UT Campus Health and Human Services
UT Campus
UT Campus
University Hall
University Hall
University Hall
University Hall
To the Student Union
To the Student Union
University Hall
University Hall
University Hall
University Hall
University Hall
University Hall
University Hall
University Hall
UT Campus
UT Campus
The Tower
The Tower
University Hall
University Hall
Student Union
Student Union
Student Union
Student Union
Tower University Hall
Tower University Hall
Early Spring on the Mall
Early Spring on the Mall
University Hall
University Hall
Campus Walk
Campus Walk
University Hall
University Hall
UT Mall
UT Mall