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Bob Schrempp | profile | all galleries >> Random Photos >> Stupid & Funny Signs tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Stupid & Funny Signs

They are working on the highway near my house. DSC_1671.jpg
They are working on the highway near my house. DSC_1671.jpg
Could they be any more vague with these signs. DSC_1672.jpg
Could they be any more vague with these signs. DSC_1672.jpg
They did not even put a year on them, DSC_1673.jpg
They did not even put a year on them, DSC_1673.jpg
I guess they will be working on all these ramps for years and years. DSC_1674.jpg
I guess they will be working on all these ramps for years and years. DSC_1674.jpg
A sign falling down of a guy falling off a bike, I like it. DSC_5659.JPG
A sign falling down of a guy falling off a bike, I like it. DSC_5659.JPG