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Bernard Sanden | profile | all galleries >> Arizona Geology >> Lower Fish Creek and Horse Mesa tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Lower Fish Creek and Horse Mesa

Superstition Geology Field Trip #2. This time decending into Lower Fish Creek Gorge near Horse Mesa dam. Geologic highlights included excellent examples of slickenrock, lava flow folding, breccia deposits and a lava dome complex.
First stop: Mesquite Wash hike
First stop: Mesquite Wash hike
Brian expounding
Brian expounding
Lava flow striation patterns
Lava flow striation patterns
Cross-bedded ash between two horizontal deposition layers
Cross-bedded ash between two horizontal deposition layers
Agent 99 picking the, we actually had the combo
Agent 99 picking the, we actually had the combo
Successfully thru gate
Successfully thru gate
View of winding road down to Lower Fish Creek
View of winding road down to Lower Fish Creek
Stop 1: Brecciaville
Stop 1: Brecciaville
Breccia near Horse Mesa in Superstition Wilderness
Breccia near Horse Mesa in Superstition Wilderness
Studying the breccia
Studying the breccia
Volcanic breccia layers tower above
Volcanic breccia layers tower above
Don, Jenn, Brian, and Tyler
Don, Jenn, Brian, and Tyler
Tuff layer between two breccia layers
Tuff layer between two breccia layers
Dissimilar breccia layer erosion
Dissimilar breccia layer erosion
Tower of volcanic outflow
Tower of volcanic outflow
Tyler finds the slickenrock created during a massive fault
Tyler finds the slickenrock created during a massive fault
Slickenrock formed by ancient earthquake faulting
Slickenrock formed by ancient earthquake faulting
Alien life forms successfully hiding behind the smeared material
Alien life forms successfully hiding behind the smeared material
Cliff, clouds, and Earth's largest satellite
Cliff, clouds, and Earth's largest satellite
Cliff and saguaro
Cliff and saguaro
View down into Fish Creek just above Salt River spillway
View down into Fish Creek just above Salt River spillway
Lava flow striations
Lava flow striations
Lava flow folding
Lava flow folding
Tyler near Horse Mesa
Tyler near Horse Mesa
Cliff reflection in spillway
Cliff reflection in spillway
Jenn in collecting mode
Jenn in collecting mode
Horse Mesa
Horse Mesa
Don just before being beamed up
Don just before being beamed up
Lower Fish Creek just past bridge
Lower Fish Creek just past bridge
Cliff and clouds
Cliff and clouds
Bridge over quiet waters
Bridge over quiet waters
Late afternoon sun on distant igneous formations
Late afternoon sun on distant igneous formations
Saguaro skeleton and rock pillar
Saguaro skeleton and rock pillar
Last stop before heading back
Last stop before heading back
Mamomaroummmus clouds near Four Peaks
Mamomaroummmus clouds near Four Peaks