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Bruno Gutiérrez | profile | all galleries >> Experimentos >> Varios tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Macro | Varios | Testing | Out of a broken glass


Budapest Erzebet hid 3.jpg Budapest Erzebet hid 3A.jpg _DSC6104A.jpg _DSC6157A.jpg
_DSC6157A_1.jpg Mailbox - Original image Mailbox - Post-process in PS Mariana a la Vermeer
flash_test_20071010_0501-modif.jpg flash_test_20071011_0417-modif.jpg Dutch gentleman, S. XIV Flash test_20071014_0630-modif.jpg
Flash test_20071014_0641-modif.jpg Flash test_20071014_0659-modif.jpg Phototropism The city is there
I am there The Bishop of Lima What`s the use of these concave hotel mirrors anyway?