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Bruce Ward | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Best Portraits ... so far > American Gothic - Revisited
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© 2004 Bruce Ward

American Gothic - Revisited

Olympus C-2100UZ
1/500s f/7.0 at 13.8mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Brad Tull 24-Nov-2008 20:26
Just when I thought I had seen it all, Bruce surprises me. I would expect nothing less.
Marianne Venegoni04-Oct-2008 18:21
LOL, great concept.
Bruce Ward23-May-2008 23:03
No, Martin, I would sell a copy to you for a fat price!
Martin Schiff23-May-2008 13:19
This is priceless!
Ron Horloff09-Feb-2006 18:47
Almost the perfect couple, never really arguing. This is so well conceived, and truly funny.
Bruce Ward06-Jul-2005 01:08
She's deflated at the moment. Must have snagged her on something sharp.
Jeanne Newman05-Jul-2005 14:07
Fantastic! And she's..........?
Dan Chusid22-Apr-2005 03:35
Ain't that the truth! ;-)