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Bruce Ward | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Best Portraits ... so far >
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© 2004 Bruce Ward

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Guest 22-Jun-2008 05:24
Love the shot..
Guest 18-Apr-2007 12:00
Heh...still love it.
Stan Bonis20-Nov-2005 04:25
Well done. Thanks for the lesson!
Guest 16-Nov-2005 12:30
Love this one Bruce. Interesting to see how the background can vary the look and it all depends on what you are going for. Have you done any of you infront of this background? I really like the high key look but it certainly wouldn't be for all...
Joe Lasker25-Jul-2005 00:03
Looks like the one on the right wants to be alone in the picture. :)

Nice high key shot.
Susan 18-Jun-2005 03:29
These two girls would make perfect subjects in a "Day in the Life of ____" storybook.
With the different expressions they have here, they must delight their families & friends all day long. Epson has a storybook that may be fun to experiment....then try different professional albums, flush mounts. I'm sure it would win a big prize in a contest !
Guest 02-Apr-2005 18:05
Bruce, I just love this shot! It's a classic.