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Bruce Ward | profile | all galleries >> Contemporary Documentary Photography >> Going Away with 10 Prints tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Going Away with 10 Prints

I am going away for a long time. I will not have any contact with family, friends or anything else that is familiar.
I can take only the clothes on my back and 10 photographic prints of those things important to me that I wish to remember.
The blue-eyed cat we call Kitten.
The blue-eyed cat we call Kitten.
The fat cat we call Little Kitty.
The fat cat we call Little Kitty.
My favorite toys.
My favorite toys.
Listening to live music.
Listening to live music.
My art collection.
My art collection.
Cooking on my new stove.
Cooking on my new stove.
My wife on our anniversary.
My wife on our anniversary.
My camera and taking pictures of me taking pictures of me.
My camera and taking pictures of me taking pictures of me.
Good times with good friends.
Good times with good friends.
The coffee that I make every morning.
The coffee that I make every morning.