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Bruce Ward | profile | all galleries >> WSU Photography Class Projects >> Theo, the bear tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Theo, the bear

The Final Project
Inspired by W. Eugene Smith
Theo is selected
Theo is selected
Leaving the orphanage
Leaving the orphanage
Getting used to new surroundings
Getting used to new surroundings
Sharing secrets with a new friend
Sharing secrets with a new friend
Getting ready for the holidays
Getting ready for the holidays
Formal Portrait
Formal Portrait
Out and about
Out and about
Enjoying the arts
Enjoying the arts
Ridin' the bus to school.
Ridin' the bus to school.
Hangin' out at class.
Hangin' out at class.
Catchin' a ride.
Catchin' a ride.
Chillin' at Kirby's.
Chillin' at Kirby's.
Enjoying a movie by a warm fire.
Enjoying a movie by a warm fire.
Gettin' ready to travel.
Gettin' ready to travel.
Four Wheelin' on the farm.
Four Wheelin' on the farm.
Helping with the cooking.
Helping with the cooking.
Piggin' out.
Piggin' out.
Stuffed after dinner.
Stuffed after dinner.
The doctor has been called.
The doctor has been called.
The news is grim.
The news is grim.
The Wake
The Wake