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lyric Kinard 25-May-2008 22:50
I hope this note finds you well and happy. I really appreciate your sharing your quilt collection. I would like to request permission to use some of your images in a lecture I'm putting together on the basic elements of art for quilters. It is based on my recent series of articles published in Quilting Arts magazine.
If you are willing to share please let me know. The lecture is presented digitally and I can include a lot of information on the screen, including the creator of the quilt as well as "from the collection of.."

Let me know,
Lyric Kinard
Peg Bushnell 20-Mar-2005 00:31
You have a wonderful collection - and I enjoyed your taking time to talk to our docent group at the Denver Art Museum this week. Many thanks
Darwin D. Bearley 20-Feb-2003 20:43
Steve & Faith;

Great collection! What an improvement since I saw it so many years ago.
What's cooking in San francisco or where ever you are?
ann stein 11-Feb-2003 14:14
What an impressive web site you've created.Really enjoyed viewing photos of your marvelous quilt collection. Someday, the Brown B&B may also be known as the Brown Amish Quilt Museum. A bonus for your many guests to enjoy!
