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November 17, 2004

The Capitol in the fall.

Okay, full disclosure, I took this Sunday. I want to play PAD, but I didn't get anything good today.

Nikon D70 ,Nikkor 85mm f/1.8D AF
1/500s f/11.0 at 85.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 23-Nov-2004 05:07
Absolutely gorgeous shot.
Jill21-Nov-2004 16:04
Mark this should be published! Excellent composition.
Dawn20-Nov-2004 05:31
René Gysi18-Nov-2004 12:03
Superb Composition. Very beautiful.
Guest 18-Nov-2004 07:50
Si Kirk18-Nov-2004 07:42
nice colours Mark i think you may be forgiven, good to see you back.
jypsee18-Nov-2004 05:45
Crisp, great composition....excellent!!
Guest 18-Nov-2004 05:31
What a beautiful day you had! I'm glad you posted it, no matter which day you shot it!
Robin Reid18-Nov-2004 05:19
The contasting colors and comp are 1st class. I'm glad you posted it.
Josy's Pics18-Nov-2004 04:48
Beautiful picture... well done!!
Gayle P. Clement18-Nov-2004 03:56
This is perfect, Mark. So sharp and clear and awesome color.
Leo Charette18-Nov-2004 03:38
Excellent composition and perfect dof
Guest 18-Nov-2004 03:30
Very cool shot! Hey, we are next to each other in the META!
virginiacoastline18-Nov-2004 03:12
this is soooo beautiful . . you live in the COOLEST city =]
Guest 18-Nov-2004 03:09
Great capture and framing of the nation's Capitol.