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Geoff Delderfield Photography | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Favourites tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Here's a collection of my favourite images. These are what I deem my best work. Please consider voting for this gallery if you like it. Thanks for looking!

Trees in the fog Foggy cow! Foggy home 8th June old man and his bike
waiting for the train 4th June treefrostyfielddogshadowsintosun copy.jpg swan in marina - sepia.jpg Jaime - close up - sepia copy.jpg
CRW_4160_2DARKERbw copy.jpg 28th June wipeout2.b.jpg _MG_0467.jpg _MG_0581.jpg
CRW_9077 copy.jpg Sunrise over Avonmouth from The Barbican copy.jpg sunset behind tree copy.jpg industrial view - early morning - red cast copy.jpg 19th May
11th June Dragonfly - close up.jpg pebbles in the sea copy.jpg Orange Gerbera2.jpg Gerber - side view 2 copy.jpg
* Swan attack copy.jpg unhappy swan copy.jpg Dandelion 6.jpg Dandelion 8.jpg
Dandelion 9.jpg colourful old lady - background BW Battery Point Landscape at night - long exposure copy.jpg joey posing.jpg joey fwd up.jpg
Joey  Smudge on decking 1.jpg Winter Robin copy.jpg dead wood mouse copy.jpg Issy 3.jpg izzy 4.jpg
CRW_9775 copy.jpg CRW_8792 copy.jpg CRW_9704 copy.jpg CRW_8988 copy.jpg CRW_9124 copy.jpg
Sheep in field - frosty - misty 2 copy.jpg branches - sunrise 3 copy.jpg stunt 3.b.jpg _MG_0506.jpg _MG_1749.jpg
Gerber in vase 15th April me- headphones man - head on hand copy.jpg Orange Gerbera1.jpg
dandelion -vertical.jpg Jaime - leaves.jpg The London Eye at night lovers watch the sun set copy.jpg CRW_9364 copy.jpg
frosty thorns copy.jpg pylon - misty field copy.jpg 5th May Dandelion 7.jpg dandelion close square crop.jpg
Joey - lit close.jpg Joey copy2.jpg CRW_3970BW copy.jpg Elliot _MG_3322.jpg
_MG_3352.jpg _MG_3341.jpg Ness above Elliot - resized.jpg Elliot led on arm of chair BW.jpg Elliot - 28 months
Elliot April 2010 BW watching TV relaxed.jpg Elliot Portrait 18th December 2011 BW web.jpg Evie portait 18th December 2011 BW web.jpg Elliot and Evie portrait 18th December 2011 BW web.jpg Evie May 2015.jpg