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Liz Bickel | all galleries >> Themed Galleries >> Themes: Multiple Galleries >> Everything: Multiple Galleries >> F >> Fauna: Multiple Galleries >> Hoofed Grazers in the Wild > Bison winter the Lamar
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22-FEB-2007 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

Bison winter the Lamar


Any and/or all usage or copying of this image, without express written permission from the photographer, is prohibited by law.
Copyright 2008, Elizabeth Bickel. All Rights Reserved.

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Simon Chandler02-Apr-2008 07:01
What a beautiful scene and image. Great to see the snow as the background. v
Guest 27-Mar-2008 04:40
These are awesome!! I've been dying to go to Yellowstone!!!
Carol Rollins06-Mar-2008 13:15
Wonderful capture Liz. V
Sam_C06-Mar-2008 06:38
Beautiful shot Liz, I've always admired these gentle yet powerful creatures. V
Bob Foisel06-Mar-2008 02:27
Great winter reality shot for thoughs who don't know winter. V.
marie-jose wolff05-Mar-2008 19:06
excellent capture, Lyz! V
Joanne Kamo05-Mar-2008 18:26
Looks cold! Fantastic exposure and tack sharp. V
Guest 05-Mar-2008 17:46
Very nice shot!
Zaid Kurdi05-Mar-2008 14:15
Fantastic shot Liz,Beautiful composition and colors.......V.
monil05-Mar-2008 13:34
Excellent composition and good light.
Guest 05-Mar-2008 05:45
nice image...
Bryan Murahashi05-Mar-2008 05:03
Excellent capture. Looks like a difficult Winter this year. V
Marcia Colelli05-Mar-2008 02:33
very nice capture. V
Jean D05-Mar-2008 01:50
Nice catch, Liz!
dane05-Mar-2008 01:05
The good life.
Guest 05-Mar-2008 00:59
Lovely Capture V
Hank Vander Velde05-Mar-2008 00:57
Nice shot Liz. V.
Pixel Shooter05-Mar-2008 00:54
Sweet shot Liz, the snow really adds to this shot!
Peter Stahl05-Mar-2008 00:28
Home on the range. Nice one Liz! GMV.
Guest 04-Mar-2008 22:37
Big diffrence from your cruise :)
Just seeing the snow stuck to them gives me the shiver's.
Gerard Koehl04-Mar-2008 21:34
Magnifique scène...
Guest 04-Mar-2008 21:25
Great wild-life capture in this snowy scene, Liz!