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Liz Bickel | all galleries >> Themed Galleries >> Themes: Multiple Galleries >> Everything: Multiple Galleries >> C >> Coots in Missouri > Funky Coot
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25-SEP-2006 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

Funky Coot

Wind Blown

by the same gusts that had made this shot a challenge

Any and/or all usage or copying of this image, without express written permission from the photographer, is prohibited by law. Copyright 2006, Elizabeth Bickel. All Rights Reserved.

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Bob Foisel19-Oct-2006 23:35
Very nice sharp capture.
QUERIDO19-Oct-2006 19:19
very nice shot
Guest 19-Oct-2006 13:03
Beautifully shot!
Arno Meintjes Wildlife19-Oct-2006 06:58
Well captured Liz