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Liz Bickel | all galleries >> Themed Galleries >> Themes: Multiple Galleries >> Everything: Multiple Galleries >> B >> Birds : Multiple Galleries >> Raptors : Multiple Galleries >> Owls > Barn Owl
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07-JUL-03 Liz Bickel

Barn Owl


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Jean-Claude Billonneau07-Feb-2023 08:55
Superbe portrait de cette "Dame blanche". V
Jean-Claude Billonneau07-Feb-2023 08:55
Superbe portrait de cette "Dame blanche". V
Janet Forjan-Freedman12-Mar-2007 21:53
Excellent exposure and beautiful and rich colour tones! Janet
Liz Bickel10-Sep-2003 03:00
I find it a challenge is to photograph real, live birds and animals. So yes, Dan, this barn owl was both real and alive. Liz
Dan Chusid10-Sep-2003 01:25
Would love to read some comments on your photos. This one is quite unusual (is it real? - just curious) Regards, - DC