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Liz Bickel | all galleries >> World of Insects: Multiple Galleries >> Bugs and Insects > Lace Wing 10-06-24
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06-Oct-2024 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

Lace Wing 10-06-24

With almost all the other Fall insects and bugs eating what is left of our summer flowers, this is a welcome visitor.


Lacewings are fascinating insects belonging to the order Neuroptera. They are known for their delicate, lace-like wings, which give them their name.
Here are some interesting facts about them:

Lacewings have translucent wings with intricate vein patterns, and their bodies are usually green or brown. They also have striking colored eyes.
Diet: The larvae, often called “aphid lions,” are voracious predators of soft-bodied insects like aphids. This makes them beneficial for natural pest control.

Adult lacewings are typically nocturnal and are attracted to lights. They feed on pollen, nectar, and honeydew, but some species also consume small arthropods.

Defense Mechanism:
Some lacewings can emit a foul odor when threatened, earning them the nickname "stinkflies".


Lacewings play a crucial role in controlling pest populations.

Canon EOS-1D X ,Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM
1/800s f/13.0 at 100.0mm iso8000 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Alexander Kazakov25-Oct-2024 12:38
So beautiful! V
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal22-Oct-2024 06:50
Beautiful tack sharp macro image. V
Dennis Hoyne08-Oct-2024 03:53
Superb detail and those colors are beautiful, a lovely composition.
joseantonio08-Oct-2024 03:18
what an amazing capture.V.
Dan Opdal08-Oct-2024 02:05
My favorite today. You got my vote! V
Hank Vander Velde08-Oct-2024 01:48
Lovely sharp macrop image and good info Liz.
Nick Paoni08-Oct-2024 00:53
The details you captured on his wings are amazing.
laine08-Oct-2024 00:12
That is lovely...V
Dan Greenberg07-Oct-2024 21:44
Fabulous macro Liz. I have never heard of these before but I would love to see one and get a photo this excellent.
larose forest photos07-Oct-2024 20:54
Amazing shot!! It is quite an arresting image with lovely light. Yes, the lacewing larvae are real predators of aphids and others! V
Helen Betts07-Oct-2024 20:31
What an excellent closeup of this colorful insect.